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PFT Staff Sharepoint

School Welcome

Welcome To

Wayfield Primary School and Nursery

Aspiring to Greatness


The Primary First truly celebrates and nurtures the diversity and distinctiveness of its partner schools. We are a growing network of 10 individual primaries across Bexley, Gravesham and Medway. All are at different points in their journey - each with a unique context, considerable strengths and specific opportunities. Our refreshingly collaborative way of working, enviable track record and deep understanding of primary-based learning gives us an unmistakeable edge in driving up standards in every area of school life.


Our Vision is to be First for Primary Education


First Class - for outcomes and overall pupil experience

First Choice - for parents choosing a school and for staff developing their careers

First Voice - as thought-leaders, pushing boundaries and raising standards

The Trust is led and managed by Primary school specialists, with a wide range of school experience work in contextually different schools.  Their goals are to improve the quality of teaching, curriculum enrichment and quality of leadership. 

You can find out more information about the Primary First Trust here:


Financial/Statutory Information


Please follow the link for PFT statutory documentation, including (but not limited to):

  • Financial Information/Accounts
  • Funding Agreement
  • Gender Pay Gap Information


Governance Information:

Please follow the link for governance documentation, including (but not limited to):

  • Scheme of Delegation and governance specific roles
  • Structure on a Page
  • Terms of References
  • Articles of Association

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Contact Us:
