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PFT Staff Sharepoint

School Welcome

Welcome To

Wayfield Primary School and Nursery

Proud to Achieve


In 2020, we began our journey to digitise elements of mathematics. Of all the traditional core subjects, the explicitly sequenced content and reliance on instructional design naturally lends itself to digitisation. In close consultation with teachers and our student council, we’ve found a blended learning approach which satisfies our learners preference for interaction with both physical and digital manipulatives. We’ve sought to create a robust Concrete Pictorial Abstract (CPA) approach to build on each child’s understanding of abstract topics. Pupils are introduced to a new mathematical concept through the use of concrete resources (such as fruit or dienes) and, as they become more proficient, they move towards accessing digital resources intuitively and independently.

The benefit of digitising resources and content with Apple technology are numerous. Firstly, it means that a child can consider, select and access a mathematical resource at anytime, anywhere; at home, in the classroom or perhaps with a grown up supporting learning. Secondly, it instils a sense of autonomy and independence which in turn sustains self-motivation. Thirdly, if a child is entering a phase of fluency at pace, but encounters an unexpected barrier to learning, they can reason their problem without feeling anxious about regressing. This enables deeper understanding of abstract principles as they can express and experiment with language, methods and strategies with confidence.

Examples of digitised lessons and resources are evidenced below. Increased fluency and mastery in mathematics has led to wider positive outcomes. Although maths is often a subject children often find challenging at schools across England, it is one of our most loved at Wayfield. Children regularly enter competitions and celebrate their math learning with peers.




Time Table Rock Star Tournament Champions

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Child-led Learning

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A learner shares their challenges, explaining which strategy they selected and applied to the partitioning problem.

Teacher-led Support Video on Subtracting Fractions

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Using a carton of digitised eggs, a teacher explains the fraction amount at the beginning and end of the calculation.

Learner and Teacher-Led Video to Support Children at Home

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A teacher and learner create a video on bar modelling to support children unable to attend the lesson in school.

School Logo Watermark

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