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PFT Staff Sharepoint

School Welcome

Welcome To

Wayfield Primary School and Nursery

Proud to Achieve


Our Governing Body

Governing bodies are usually made up of different types of stakeholders – people who have a stake in the effectiveness and efficient running of the school.


Parent governors are elected by other parents of the school. They provide a voice that is representative of parents, but they are not parent representatives. The other parents do not tell them how to vote. Parent governors may ask other parents for their views in order to inform their thinking, although they do not have to. Governors will then make up their own minds on what is best for the school. As with all governors, they have to consider what is best for all the pupils in the school.

Staff governors are elected by the staff at the school. One space is reserved for the Headteacher and there are rules designed to allow both teachers and non-teachers to stand for election. Like parent governors, they are a representative staff voice, but do not have to vote as they are told, but it is easier for them to find out staff views.

The remaining categories of governor represent the community at large. Some are appointed by the local authority, some perhaps by a trust or church and others by the rest of the governing body to represent the local businesses and ensure necessary skills and experiences are included in the governing body.


If you wish to contact a member of the Local Governance Partnership or the Chair, Mr Steve Rumbles, please do so by emailing the Lead Clerk, Sarah Phillipson: or in writing to:


Sarah Phillipson

Governance Professional

The Primary First Trust

The Whitehouse

Clifton Marine Parade

Gravesend  DA11 0DY

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