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PFT Staff Sharepoint

School Welcome

Welcome To

Wayfield Primary School and Nursery

Proud to Achieve


We are delighted that you are considering a place at our school! 

We look forward to meeting you and welcoming you into Team Wayfield!


Detailed information on Primary School Admissions can be found on the Medway Council website by clicking here or by calling the Admissions Team on Tel: 01634 331110 or emailing them at:



Casual Admission Appeals Parents/carers have the right to appeal if a place is not offered to their child. Appeals will be handled in line with the School Admissions Appeals Code. Appeals will be heard within 30 days of submitting the request. If you have any queries regarding an appeal for Wayfield Primary School, then you are asked in the first instance to contact the school on 0800 065 8230 or The Primary First Trust on 01474 565903.  For all other Medway schools appeal enquiries, please contact Medway Council’s Admissions Team on: 01634 331110.

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